Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 119
Edwin T. Luckey, class of 1931, photographs and sheet music
This collection contains seven photographs from the RKO production department showing models and sets for various films and a portrait photograph of Edward. There is also sheet music for “On the Good Old Eastern Shore” written by Luckey and Al Herman, a childhood friend. Both were fond of music, banjo in particular, and dances.
Ezekiel Chambers papers
F. Stanley Porter, class of 1912, college scrapbook
This collection contains a scrapbook kept by F. Stanley Porter during his time at Washington College. Most of the clippings are about the Football and Baseball teams, both of which Porter was a prominent player. There are also items from other clubs and events including Mount Vernon Literary Society, dances, and award ceremonies.
Fred B. Noble reminiscence
This collection contains one letter, written by Fred B. Noble to Fred W. Dumschott on July 12, 1973. This letter is in response to a letter from Dumschott asking Noble to reminisce about his years as a student at Washington College, beginning in 1898. Topics include activities of the Mount Vernon Literary Society, social life and hazing of students, athletics, faculty, and some history of the campus's development and renovations.
George Emmett Wood, class of 1885, collection
This collection contains materials from George Emmett Wood, class of 1885, including some of his coursework, grades, speeches given at the College, correspondence, and materials related to Wood’s Honorary Degree.
George R. Cather scholarship letter
This collection contains a letter to the Orphans Court of Cecil County, Maryland recommending George R. Cather for placement as a student to Washington College. The letter is signed by seven individuals including Robert Cather. George R. appears in the 1854-1855 catalog’s list of students at Washington College. Due to two fires at the College his exact graduation date is unknown, but presumably 1858.
George W. Powell notebook and reminiscences
This collection contains George W. Powell’s junior surveying class notebook taught by Professor J. S. William Jones. As well as correspondence with Dean of Men, Charles B. Clark regarding his time at Washington College and a reminiscence of faculty, the campus, and classes.
George W. Woodfield, class of 1929, Pegasus negatives
This collection contains fifty-one negatives taken by George W. Woodfield when he served as the photographic editor of the Pegasus during his senior year at Washington College. Many of the photographs are featured throughout the 1929 yearbook.
Gorsuch family papers
This collection contains correspondence from brothers Lawrence and W. Carlton Gorsuch. Lawrence’s materials deal mostly with his time at Washington College, while Carlton’s are mostly from his time with the Justice Department. There are also receipts, teaching certificates, and a program for a Bonfire at Washington College.
Grace Strickland Chaires, class of 1927, papers
This collection contains the military records of Grace Strickland Chaires and items collected from her training for the United States Navy’s Women’s Reserves (WAVES) including items from the Naval Reserves Midshipman School, correspondence, certificates for her service, programs, pamphlets, and clippings. There is also her diploma from the University of Michigan.